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Colorectal cancer surgery, led by Surgical Oncologists, is a pivotal component in the comprehensive management of colorectal cancer. The role of a …

Lung cancer surgery, under the expertise of a Surgical Oncologist, plays a crucial role in the comprehensive management of lung cancer. The …

Breast cancer surgery, led by a Surgical Oncologist, is a pivotal component in the comprehensive management of breast cancer. The primary goal …

Colorectal Cancer Services: A Holistic Approach to Treatment and Care Colorectal cancer is a significant global health concern, and cancer treatment centers …

Comprehensive Prostate Cancer Services: Navigating the Journey to Wellness Prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers affecting men worldwide. Cancer …

Comprehensive Lung Cancer Services: Navigating the Path to Healing Lung cancer, a leading cause of cancer-related deaths globally, demands a specialized and …

Comprehensive Breast Cancer Services: A Holistic Approach to Healing Breast cancer is a pervasive health concern affecting millions of individuals worldwide. Cancer …

Empowering Women: The Crucial Role of Cancer Treatment Centers in Gynecologic Oncology Gynecologic oncology, a specialized field within cancer care, focuses on …

The Role of a Cancer Treatment Center in Cancer Survivorship Cancer survivorship marks the phase of care that begins after the completion …

The Role of a Cancer Treatment Center in Skincare Services Cancer and its associated treatments can have a significant impact on the …

The Role of a Cancer Treatment Center in Wig and Scarf Services Cancer not only affects an individual’s physical health but also …

A Cancer Treatment Center’s Role in Prosthetics and Orthotics Cancer treatment centers play a crucial role in providing comprehensive care to individuals …

Live Life More Normal

By Breaking the taboos, misconceptions & discriminations Myths & Misconceptions Epilepsy is incurable! Epilepsy is inheritable! Epilepsy is a curse caused by …

Access to diabetes care: if not now,when?

World diabetes day was created by who in response to growing concerns about the escalating health threat posed by diabetes. It became …

Polio is Also Called Poliomyelitis

Polio is also called Poliomyelitis. It is a viral infection causing Paralysis and is easily preventable by the Polio vaccine. Polio is …

Most common cancer amongst women. Almost 1 in 8 women are affected in the world. Breast cancer is significantly increasing in numbers, …

Snoring – A Silent Killer

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is defined as the occurrence of at least 5 episodes per hour of sleep during which respiration temporarily …

Lung Cancer in Non Smokers

Lung cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer annually since 1985. Worldwide, there are 1.61 million new cases of lung cancer per …

This is a choice to be made individually basing on the data available. There are many vaccine options available with time. In …

In the world, about 1400 million adults are overweight and 500 million obese. Although, BMI is an indirect measure of metabolic health, …

Remdesivir was first identified as an investigational drug to treat Ebola virus disease during the West African outbreak in 2013–2016. Given the …

Hepatitis refers to an inflammatory condition of the liver. It is commonly caused by viral infections. Other causes include drugs, alcohol, toxins …

Brain Tumor Day

Every 8th June is celebrated as World Brain Tumor day. Initially initiative was taken by German Brain Tumor Association and is now …

Congestive Heart Failure

Despite the way, it sounds the term “Heart Failure” simply means that your heartbeat isn’t pumping blood as it should. Heart failure …