
Is Remdesivir Still the ā€œMolecule of Hopeā€?

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Remdesivir was first identified as an investigational drug to treat Ebola virus disease during the West African outbreak in 2013ā€“2016. Given the mechanism of action of remdesivir as an antiviral that halts viral replication, these trial findings support the use of remdesivir in the early active viral replication phase in the COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction-positive […]


Hepatitis: Types, Symptoms, and Treatment

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Hepatitis refers to an inflammatory condition of the liver. It is commonly caused by viral infections. Other causes include drugs, alcohol, toxins and autoimmune hepatitis Viral Hepatitis- 5 types – A, B, C, D and E Hepatitis A – Acute, short term disease caused by hepatitis A virus. It is commonly caused by consuming food […]


Brain Tumor Day

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Every 8th June is celebrated as World Brain Tumor day. Initially initiative was taken by German Brain Tumor Association and is now celebrated worldwide. It is celebrated to raise awareness and educate people about tumor. Brain tumor is a moss or growth of abnormal cells in your brain Incidence in India raise from 5 to […]


Congestive Heart Failure

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Despite the way, it sounds the term ā€œHeart Failureā€ simply means that your heartbeat isnā€™t pumping blood as it should. Heart failure doesnā€™t mean your heart has stopped working or that you are having a heart attack (but people with heart failure often had a heart attack in the past), Heart failure is also called […]


Long Covid

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What is long covid? Individuals who continue to suffer from Covid-19 symptoms outside of the two-week period in which they are believed to be infected. This two-week period is enough time for the virus and its symptoms to be able to come and go, yet we are revealing cases in which symptoms are persisting well […]